Today, during the Mat-Su Borough Department of Emergency Services Demonstration Day, volunteer participants were able to put their hands and backs into some of the work these responders do everyday using equipment which is essential to saving lives. The experience revealed the heavy physical toll exerted to 1) remove a roof and doors from a rolled over car, use a fire hose and nozzle to direct water into real flames on a burning vehicle, witness the teamwork needed in EMS to revive a patient and extract them from an accident scene or from upstairs in an apartment, operate the ladder truck, which has been invaluable in rescues, including water, as well as fires on multi-story buildings and even used in Hazmat training scenarios. Safety was highest on the list of priorities, with a great deal of time spent demonstrating the proper use of the equipment and making sure the gear being worn by the participants was properly set-up.
Original source can be found here.